Year 1

Volunteers needed

The Year One students will be attending the Clapham Library as part of our English lessons. If any parents/guardians would like to volunteer to help out on the day, please get in contact with your child’s classroom teacher.

Where: Clapham Library

When: 28th of November

Time: 1.30pm- 3pm

As always, if you have any questions please come and speak with one of the teaching team.


Mr M Mahony - Y1MM
Mr P Booth - Y1PB
Mrs Brennan - Teaching Assistant
Ms Tate - Teaching Assistant


Welcome children and parents to our Year 1 page!  Please ensure you check this page frequently as it will include important information, dates and activities for children to do at home.

We are available at the end of the day if you would like to speak with us about anything. Alternatively you can e-mail the school via or call 020 7622 5479.

Please ensure your child brings their reading book to school each day. The children have reading partners from the upper juniors and the children from Year 1 need to have their reading book to share with their partners.

Sports Day

Thank you for your fantastic support for Sports Day. 

The children had a really enjoyable time at the common.


For homework this week, the children are asked to complete all remaining activities on Mathletics and to practise recognising and using coins.

Thank you to all of the parents and children that have made good use of the Mathletics resource.The activities support the learning objectives we have covered in class.

Lexia Reading:

Log in - first name and the first letter of your surname (eg Sarah Smith would be sarahs). 

Password – read

Lexia does not work in Internet Explorer, please try another browser such as Google Chrome or Safari instead.

If asked for 'teacher e-mail' input the following:

This should connect you to the St Mary's login page where you can put your child's name and password (read).


Thank you for worshipping with us during the summer term.

Father Casper is looking forward to seeing you at Mass over the summer.

PE Kit

Children are now allowed to wear their PE kit to school on the days that they have PE. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit which consists of a white t-shirt, navy shorts and plimsoles or trainers. During the colder weather your child should wear the School PE jumper.

If your child has to attend an event such as Mass or go on a school trip, they will be required to wear their school uniform on that day. PE kit should be brought to school and children will change for their PE lesson accordingly.

If your child has a club before school, uniform should be brought to change into, once the club has finished.

If your child has a club after school and it is not a PE day, uniform should be worn as normal and PE kit should be brought to change into before the club begins.

Important Information

We start school at 8.50am and finish at 3.30pm. The class teachers set tasks to be completed each morning before the register is taken at 9am.

Homework is set each Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday and a list of spellings are sent home each Friday, to be tested on the following Friday.

Please practise reading each day and use the phonics powerpoints daily.

Additionally, please watch the phonics videos on the school website and use Mathletics regularly.

Please keep practising your reading skills by reading through the words on the Phonics Powerpoints on the school website.

Y1PB Information on P.E. Lessons

In year 1PB, PE days will be Tuesday and Wednesday for this year.

Please wear your P.E kit to school on these days.

Y1MG Information on P.E. Lessons

In year 1MG, P.E will be on Wednesdays and Fridays for this year.

Please wear your P.E kit to school on these days.​

Timetable 2023-24

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