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St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

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The Wednesday Word

The Wednesday Word - 12th June 2024

This Gospel reminds us that God came to create a Kingdom - a Kingdom of Love.

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The Wednesday Word - 15th May 2024

This coming Sunday, your parish church will be celebrating a great and joyful feast, Pentecost Sunday. It is the feast of the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church, a gift which we now receive at Baptism, Confirmation, and at Mass.

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The Wednesday Word - 8th May 2024

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus is praying with his disciples after the last supper. Very soon, Jesus will be arrested.

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The Wednesday Word - 1st May 2024

God is love and all love comes from God. When we invite Jesus, as a loving friend, into our family life then love grows and life becomes more joyful.

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